
Shut your face!

Right, just reading Heat, and getting wee bit annoyed at everyone slagging the beautiful paloma faith off! they've put her in the 'what were you thinking' section, which is royally unfair. i know guys don't get it but girls do, and as heat is no doubt published by mostly birds, stop ragging on her! shes fit, and i like that she does different things, i'm fucking sick of cheryl cole. shes styled to death, does nothing herself, and she has malaria. not someone you want to party with. but paloma...you know she'd b a good time gal, and after you'd been out you could brush her hair....i'd prob go a bit single white female and move in for a snog to be honest if i was drunk, and yeah she'd prob file another restraining order but i don't care. i love you paloma faith, new york can have that retard that left you, i'll be your girlf!
I'm not a lesbigay but seem to have more girl crushes than male ones atm...toodles x

also...katy perry? CALL ME! x

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