
Intense topics...

I hate the 'do you want children' convo...people always seem so horrified when i say no. i mean i 'm 22, i've been wearing the same leggings for 5 days and last time i saw  the tv remote was friday...do i look like i could hack all that nash?! me and M were discussing it in hades today, and although shes of the same mindset as me, i know she'll eventually give in, most do. babies r all fun and games until their 17, telling you their a lesbian and hooked on crack. no thankyou, i'll stick to the best offspring i could possibly aquire. A PUG . <3

Applying for another job later, can't say much but i'd love to get it. before the baby discussion, i was daydreaming about going on a shooting rampage around the shopping centre, massacring slow customers and idle octagenarians, taking some attractive gentleman hostage on the roof before being lured down by a millies cookie and the promise of free sky tv. the only thing that stopped me was what my dad would say.

Magazine day today! makes life worth living, although was very nearly put off by a man urinating in the street en route to the shop. most action i've got in weeks, but the delicious aroma seeping out his armpits and other crevices persuaded me perhaps we were not a match made in heaven, so i crossed the road and avoided eye contact. he's lucky though, if i had set my sights on him and put the charm on...he would have been terrified. to be honest its like watching the exorcist on acid. tell me again WHY AM I SINGLE?

Anyways, off to be with my beautiful glossy gospels! toodles x

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