
totally broke, so have altered diet to allow for more clothes cash. am now living off nescafe (urgh) skinny mochas (i'll miss you til payday starbucks), supernoodles, apples and bread. when i envisaged uni life i thought it would be ab fab but in topshop attire, but my hard living ways (3 coffees a day) have brought me close to poverty! even new look is too pricey atm, so have taken to creating clothes from wilkinsons products. todays outfit was a bin bag and kitchen roll get-up, very classy yet refined i thought. plus the guinea pigs kept looking at me this AM with accusatory eyes as i gobbled my chicken salad sandwich...ever since they started watching river cottage with me they seem to forget they are no more than giant rodents and expect oragnic veg and weekly mani-pedis. bastards. so out of the £10 tesco shop, £6 went on them.

also, what is with supermarket toilets? it takes AGES for tank to refill, so i had to just chill in cubicle, but i had a bout of hayfever so the extended time and constant sniffing made it seem like i was having a intimate moment with colombia's finest citizen, Charlie...the security guard was outside and looked at me like i'd been selling smack to pre-teens. then, as i was perusing the magazines this giant man with a delightful personal scent kept shuffling closer, so someone must have put the word out that i was dealing. what is it about walking round a supermarket with bloodshot eyes and disney printed bounty wrapped around your head that makes people think your in with the trainspotting crew? BIGOTS. or something equally discriminatory. the guard then followed me on my journey, and i began to pretend i was thinking about putting stuff under my top just to get him excited. at least he can go home to his inbred wife and be like 'i was onto a right criminal today, this ginger crackhead, she made me earn my wage sheila.' its nice to help people out.

put full face of make up on in boots, and the metamorphosis from junkie to tranny was complete. FINALLY, listen to the new bombay bicycle club album FLAWS. if i had a tail like basil brush (a trait i pray for daily) i'd wag it lazily whilst enjoying this record. theres defo shades of the shins, but in a good way. x

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