
garbage from my gullet.

just riding the comedown from coffee kick, so went to see my lovely lady R. herself and her body rank of booze thanks to a three-day bender we like to call V fest, during which one of her friends was dragged down from an ice cream van roof in full drag by policemen. i feel we are destined for marriage.

Life has become a bit stale, mostly due to my own fault. instead of raving it up, i choose to watch satc re-runs in the bath, drink earl grey and slather on various concoctions.  whats happened to me?! i am supposedly the 'life and soul' girl, present at every party and event. i once got so drunk i went to bed on the tuesday and woke up fully clothed on friday with ' call me, dave x' scrawled in scarlet lip jam across my thigh. ( i called, we met, a restraining order was involved, and yeah maybe some people would class idenify and credit card theft as stalking, but i'm hopeful we can work our issues out.) ke$ha modelled her look on my repeated appearances to a&e. i need to get my game back.

was in hades today, spent alot of the day thinking about G, and whether he was alive (i'm not exaggerating, narcotics are consumed like jelly beans). men are all the same, they say they love you then come home one day, find you in bed with their dad and start throwing terms like 'pervert' and 'fat whore' around. GOD.

ANYWAYS, i promise to attempt improvement, and will post some more fashion tit bits asap. x

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