

so i seem to have developed a string of activities i like to do when i'm not in hades. the first is watching old x factor auditions, in particular olly murs, danyl johnson, amy connelly and shaheen off bgt. i cry at the latter 2, and when i tell ppl they seem to think i have some form of substance issue.

number 2 is researching how much money time and care it would take to have a shetland pony. A SHETLAND PONY. my garden is about the size of my living room, but somewhere in my mind i've convinced my myself i could defo house a wee horse. now for exercise, i know what your going to say , 'horses need vast amount of open space blah blah' but hello solution, i buy it a lead and taken it down the park everyday!! i could even train it to run and fetch. plus as well because its so little, it could sleep in my double bed, and i could braid its mane. see EVERYONES A WINNER! tabitha is a strong name for a pony, and cassius for a boy. the only downfall is the guinea pigs. they seem to suspect a new addition is coming to the manor and so have begun bitching about me 24/7. i'll walk down the stairs and i can hear them gobbing away, then upon my arrival, they go 'ssh' , stop dead and eyeball me. so i'm punishing them with smart price carrots.

still not washed the wig, its unclean state seems to convince people i'm posh, in with the rah-rah set, so i'm avoiding shampoo and demanding upgrades everywhere i go. fabulous darling x

tabitha with some local riff-raff

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