

DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT MAKE FRIENDS. BECAUSE THEY'LL BORROW YOUR STUFF, HARRASS YOU AND LEAVE YOU WITH MORE SNOT IN YOUR HEAD THAN THE AVERAGE HOUSE SLUG. i am infected. clammy sweat oozes from every pore, a tireless parade of snot swirls like a witches brew between my temples and i can't stop eating. life is AWFUL.

internship alot better today though, tomorrow i become a bonafide published journalist. however, for now, i'm lounging in my pit of grotesque shame, an oversized disney pyjama set only further contributing to the disgrace. THE MIGHTY HAS INDEED FALLEN. x

p.s. still no freddie. i feel as solitary and lonesome as Hardy follow the demise of his beloved emma. my next step shall be wandering rocky coastal paths, chasing only the ghost of poor freddie's large rump. sob.

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