
the have and the have nots.

i have : watched three episodes of vintage buffy, drunk a pint of smart price lemonade AKA toilet cleaner, left a rotund booty imprint on the cut price ikea mound moonlighting as a sofa, bid (but lost) on a vivvy westwood tit top and fallen asleep mid telephone convo with the mother-ship.

i have not : packed, eaten anything without additives or regained some minute, gravy-bone shred of dignity.


i've been thinking, and the solution to all these rib frissures would be a butler. first name gerrard. meow.

my fellow ginger copine went africa over summer (gap yah!) and i can't talk to her about it without replicating leo dicap's rubbish blood diamond accent. sewth uhfrika?! so i'm guessing thats why she crossed the street earlier and faked a convo with ted the homeless busker. ho-bag.

halloween tomorrow, my FAVE time of year but i've technically already celebrated and am travelling home after work. went out on weds in ghostly adornment, complete with lace tights which i put my finger through multiple times and so went from casper to christina circa DIIRRRTTYYY. nice.

still enjoying sleigh bells way too much, thinking of a tattoo capturing their faces to cover my shakespeare's sister ink.

anyways best go be productive, make my mother proud etc x

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