
does anyone...

want to just go and have an adventure? uni is back in full swing, and once again i have itchy feet or whatever the saying is. i doubt it's itchy, maybe restless?

 anyways i have £200 in the account, an unused passport and a DIVINE betsey johnson holdall which is dying to be used for a fabulous excursion. so ideas? the cheapest i can get to ny is £394, and whilst i would clobber my own mother over the head with a cut price past season manolo wedge to go, its not likely atm, funds wise an all. i'd do the flight of the conchords tour though, and pick up a copy padded gilet similar to brett's. possibly get a golf sign job too. i've just remembered the lotr inspired video they do in season 2. AMAZING.

 paris? i am having a french revival after watching the double decker season finale of satc with the russian and BIG comes to rescue the versace clad damsel. (that dress cost $79,000 fact fans). 

i'm feeling ROMA...possibly meet my italian and end my coin throwing days. URGHHH I WANT SOME EXCITEMENT!!!!

started my internship at newspaper last has not served the purpose i'd hoped tbh. instead of feeling reassured that i'm doing the right thing blah blah i was left bored and fatigued by the toll of local media. media in general. i don't want to write about industrial changes in the north west commercial sector, but spend days languorously splayed upon an oversized chaise longue, eating truffles in a cashmere robe and penning the occasional column entitled 'HOW TO BE FABULOUS' whilst my faithful assistant Chad massages my feet.  is that too much to ask?!  x

p.s. next door have a fat white persian cat that enjoyed escaping the confines of concrete and rolling in fresh soil. i named him freddie, but i fear the tyrant owners, tired of his mischief, have sold him on ebay. i had planned to steal him and conduct events where he'd be decked out in regal attire. YES I MEAN DRESSING HIM UP. i miss u freddie. please come home.

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