
gristle and bone

so once again sorry for never blogging enough, although in my defence i did start this in the summer when i had alot of free time and lack of deadlines at my disposal. saying that, i went out last night...didn't drink (much) though so hangover free today praise the baby jesus. regular readers will know my hangovers are similar to being hit centre chest by a freight train. plus, i spew easily. needless to say, i do try to sidestep that barrel of FUN.

my last post was dramatically ambiguous, and i'm going to keep it that way. i'm not trying to create an illusion that i'm a vital cog of some exciting circus (the most thrilling task i partake in now is moisturising) and i do divulge most of the gore, but that particular detail will remain cloudy. its too hard to talk about so its best laid to rest in the shallow grave destined for my friend.

RIGHT. shizer day, raining AGAIN (don't know why we're ever surprised by this guaranteed constant). therefore, in the spirit of autumn showers and the student lifestyle, i've bunked off shorthand to penn this blog, which seems even  more pointless everytime i look over what i've wrote. i am posting some fashion guff in a bit, but if any potential employers ever read this as a writing reference, the vacancy would defo go to sarah, laura or any other blah blahs competing against my low experience and acerbic wit. SIGH.

gutted missed Warpaint in Liverpool on Sat. They were playing at the kazimier which is a GREAT gig venue, very organic, it could easily be located in New York's East Side as opposed to Merseyside. such a good band, at odds with everything currently being spat out of LA. going to see Lissie in dec tho, i enjoy light country; the music of big hair and pain. amen Patsy Cline.

still on the same page regarding men. FUCK OFF tends to be the response for any half-witted scally who mistakes my cut-glass stare for heated desire (because nothing says i want you like a restraining order). i dunno...it all just seems weak and unfulfilled, whats the point?

i'm going home on sunday to see the family, feel a bit guilty having become the prodigal daughter recently. being the only one, my absence echoes, and having avoided my murky roots for roughly 5ish months, my mother made a request to see my face asap. it won't be too bad, its just no one ever really leaves nuneaton, and returning fills me with total fear that i'll become one of the faceless buggy-pusher tribe, distinguished by their screaming spawn and scraggy high pony-tails. Chester wasn't my first choice for uni, glasgow recieved that pleasure, but as with life, it didn't work out. the only reason i planned to go to such extreme lengths to achieve distance was because i was running away from my own version of hell, located east of birmingham. hmmm.

in other news, didn't realise i owned so many pairs of see through leggings. joy. also, i've never learnt to rollerskate, blame being a fat child, so i have decided i 10000% need to learn because its a life skill. i could  be a rollerskating superhero, swooping through automatic doors to help those with a shoelace or flappy hem entangled amongst the machinery of a rogue escalator DON'T LAUGH BECAUSE THAT HAPPENED TO ME IN SPAIN. scary 2 minutes of my life.

having a halloween themed event 2moro nite so should go into town to source some genre of apparel. was thinking i might just go as a battered sausage by wearing a too tight dress and rolling in ronseal. YUMMY.  in a bit kids x


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