

 lessons i learnt today:
1. trainers are an essential item when going to the gym.
2. men are vile and have no shame. ASKING ME OUT ON THE TREADMILL IS NEVER ACCEPTABLE.
3. finding buttons has taken over my life.
4. don't pet cats you don't know.

got my uni schedule, bit naff. i don't pay nearly £4000 to be there everyday!! theres these things called hangovers, and i need 3 personal days per week to deal with them. its a serious health issue you know.

having a gay sleepover with homo no.2 tonight, should be hiwawious. i'm still on the road free of male interest, so bum-bashers are the only testosterone company i keep now (other than R, who trotted like a  builder with testicle problems en route to tesco earlier). i've managed to control most of my issues, except when watching smushy stuff on tv (broke another cup in fit of rage yday, oh well.).

my chum K, who looks eerily like a younger version of my mother, which terrifies me when under the influence of UmBongo, got a tatt on her foot. it looks super cute. everyone i know seems to be getting inked, i reallly want to but all the designs i like will result in me resembling a lesbigay. leopard print on the shoulder is an idea i've been toying with since i was born. ok thats an exaggeration, but my love for animal patterns has been bred into me ever since i was first clad in a spotted babygrow on my 20th birthday. no i'm totally kidding...its was my 19th.
plus as well, i have that nagging fear of 'i'll be an old lady covered in tatts. i'll already have enough on my plate when  i'm 30, running from the law having shot my wealthy yet cruel husband for his schrapnel, the only warmth in my life supplied by millions of dollars and a beautiful brazillian toyboy called Miquel...sweet Miquel. on the fbi file it'll say 'QUINN: distinguishable marks-'juicy' tattoed across her bum, leopard around her bingo wing.
so yeah. maybe i'll postpone the event until i'm sure/high. piercings are fine, i've only got tiny scars on my face from past mistakes, plus you can hang your keys on them. it used to be a godsend.

can one of you skets come and make me some tea please. the sofa has dragged me in. also, i want a hug, a good hug, from a nice platonic guy friend. shame i've slept with all of mine. DAMMIT! x

p.s. on friends, some one-off character was from PLOUGHKEEPSIE. i'm still laughing now. ploughkeepsie. crazy americans.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THAT IM MENTIONED! i love youu xxx
