
reaching the depths.

most of us with no life have been glued to ultimate big bro, desperately willing preston and chantelle to rekindle their romance, and it made me question our views of love.

this couple were and are polar opposites, their broken marriage leaving behind two individuals who looked worse than jordan without slap. why would we, and them, want to get back into that train wreck? are we optimists or just f**king stupid? and can distinguish which one we are?

i believe i'm the latter. i have been totally man free for 3 months, after swearing off them following an ill advised venture, the result of which left me an alcoholic wreck, crying with winehouse on repeat. yet this was not a one-off episode a serial twat lover, i was like a dog who likes going back to be kicked, waiting for the moment where he realises he does love me, possibly accomanpanied with an offer of pedigree chum. BECAUSE I WAS AN OPTIMIST.  this self imposed period of male exile has shown me the truth.
i now see i am stupid, this biggest dummy in the class, and am no longer dealing with the inbetweens who you meet in a shady bar, text for a week before going to the cinema to see a gash film when you'd rather watch the latest disney flick...they say love you, and then see them with a fake blonde in mcdonalds. BITCH. anyway, i digress, i've decided i'd rather stay in the tower than fall for the wrong prince. so yeah, beep off you trying to buy me a drink, romeo did not use the 'did you fall from heaven' line on juliet, so it ain't gonna work on me.

in other news, the gym has never see me so often, i'm considering camping out there . x

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