
its raining gays.

ok i'm over my alanis morrisette 'whats does it all mean' depresso phase, mostly thanks to the arrival of my slave A and also a fellow ginge W, who have returned form the cold empty wastelands of home back into the arms of campus life.

went out last night to gender blender, possibly the GREATEST gay night in the world. except for G.A.Y. and rainbows in coventry. and liverpool garlands. OOOO and the trans-gender mixer i went to once (everybody kept commenting on how good my surgery was but i still seemed quite manish and could do with making an effort to be female...i didn't want to upset them all and tell them i was born with a vagina, thought it could be seen as gloating, so took it and and spoke like dame edna for the evening, revealing how i was previously 'Rupert' and used to wear a bra to school, stuffed with bread).

managed to stay fairly on the straight and narrow. the text from my mum helped. DON'T DO DRUGS. pretty clear message there. thanks for that pet. drank a bit, but not much, which seemed to disappoint my rapt homo audience, waiting in anticipation for my x-tina moves. but no, my clothes stayed on this time which kept the bouncers and every straight man in the room happy. what has happened to gay men? no joke, last night they all seemed under 5ft, dancing as if on E (or diet pills as M calls them) and making love to themselves in the corner, shot glass an aid to the debuachery. speaking of which, a new accquaintance actually began to rub his fancy's apparatus mid snog ON THE DANCEFLOOR. A was mesmerised.

people can be surprising. in a good way btw, not in a 'oh god u share baths with your mother??!' way. friend of a friend, i'd never spoken to J properly, just held his cardi during a dance-off between himself and 2 asians. nice guy blah blah but all in all a stranger. he was out last night, and i have actually never met anyone who has no ego. fabulous boy, and it was refreshing to be dancing with a straight guy and not be hit on! i'm not saying i'm the best looking who gets every guy, far from it tbh, but most still try it, just to test the water. his moves were a bit like that family guy episode, where peter has no bones in his body. better cleavage than mine tho....have to watch out for that, i'm lime green jelo.

what i can only depict as a SHE-DEVIL rammed her heel into my foot last night before dragging herself off to spew, so i have a golf ball sized bruise on it now. ouch. couldn't get the slap hand out on her though, she fell off the pole. we've all been there.

OH YEAH. A ate face with a guy. he was hot though so we can let her off. should go to gym really...or watch lords of dogtown in bed. god my life is hard. x

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