
dip your toe.

poetry is controversial. not many like it, i can see why. over the years, i've met a few individuals in my classes who have been TWATS, as in narcissitic idiots who believe they are the saviour of verse.

i like writing it, but i think it should be done for yourself. i'll never publish it on here because its just too cringeworthy and egotistical, and it is human nature to indulge in such activities in the expectation we'll recieve praise. but during this current period of, erm i guess self exploration, i have been writing alot more and enjoyed it.

its rare for me to get writers block because i only write when its available; forcing the process would remove the medicinal impact it seems to have upon me. those close to QUINN will be aware i've previously had some issues with our old buddy narcotics, and aside from passages of extreme clarity and soberness, the darker depths of those times would inspire me too. its a healthy process, and think we should all have something to clear our heads and purge the secrets. masturbation doesn't count. i checked in the bible. x

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