

attempting to cut some of the flesh out of  this beast of an essay. got up at 2 (don't judge, u wish u could laze long hours away under the duvet too), decided after a brief shower and a lean brunch would crack on with it, even tying hair in a bun complete with lodged pencil to appear studious. thats how the day should have gone. here is the truthful version of events:

stood under the hot water for over half an hour digesting the days agenda, danced in my pants for a solid hour, ate a cinammon bun, followed by alot of carb based products (regular readers will be aware of the shaky relationship i have with bready items), conversed with fellow slackers on facebook, sorted out a brief misunderstanding from last night and spent £879 in a fantasy asos shop.

so YEAH... its going well. could be worse i guess. oh wait i'm wearing a pink acrylic jumper with jumping rabbits on. SO NO IT COULDN'T GET ANY FUCKING WORSE. god.

its not due til monday, so should be fine. maybe. if it was regarding a relevant subject i'd be more inclined to spend time with it, but its not. i'd fare better writing a piece on why i'm convinced the contraceptive implant is a government device, which i am btw. paranoid state.

in a new placement with a scene and events magazine in manchester. its going well actually, they just seem to require alot from me. there is one small tiny upside though. TOMORROW I'M INTERVIEWING LYKKE LI!!!! those heathens amoungst you who remain ignorant, shes an amazing singer/songwriter from sweden about to drop her sophmore venture. levi's model too, bit fit. therefore, as well as trying to write a million and one pieces for uni, am trying to put together 6 articles for mag and decide what to wear to meet the swede electro beauty. note to self, pluck monobrow. knowing my luck, they'll say she's got flu or something.

watched some of my fave satc seaon last night with my assistant A. she's good btw, fell in the canal the other day though. lucky her pocket sized lover was on hand to drag her brown carcass out though, seeing as she can't swim. sport is a non-existent factor in the coventry education system; they're a bit preoccupied trying to install basic lessons such as the need for cutlery in the inbred generation currently haunting school corridors in and around the west mids. i went to a catholic school, so obvs we were just being taught how to please the priest and being punished for crying out. i'm still clueless with a soup spoon.
anyways, i digress. it was the series when carrie gets back with aiden, and they're engaged. in reality, no man would have sjp. she's so whiney and self obsessed. charlotte is barren and getting divorced, and carrie just moans about not wanting to get hitched to this beautiful, tall man. i would have gladly taken him off her boney man hands. defo cried a little. think i'm just exhausted from looking now. every option starts and ends the same, excitement and resignation . keep waiting to be suprised, but the larger part of my cynical mind tells the ever decreasing tiny hopeful chunk 'i told you so'. i did have a bruise on my forearm from my last endeavour, but as its faded, so have any ideas i had about me and him becoming an 'us'. maybe by gradutation i'll have become the tinman, and have to make some epic pilgrimage to oz to beg the wizard for a heart. or i'll go back on glue.

took some local pics last night, the one below is my fave. a converted steam mill, the victorian facade totally conceals thr art deco interiors. it looks quite bleak, but winter phototgrapjy is meant to yeah? x

p.s. if you get the chance, listen to james vincent mcmorrow. AMAZE!

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