
your highness.

yeah so kate and prince wills are engaged. bet mommy dearest loves that, having groomed the entire middleton clan to resemble a family which would not be out of place in jilly cooper land, uptight but scandal logged. Kate no doubt saw the heir a mile off before they'd even be formally introduced, sniffing out the potential to do fuck all for the next 60 years and hatched the plot to sink her glossy talons into the balding, less attractive son of Princess Di (although to be fair, Harry is only better looking because he has no actual DNA links with Charlie).

the big hoopla is because vanilla face has secured diana's engagement ring, all £28,000 worth of it. and can i just say, that has to be the fugliest ring i've ever seen. i'd have rather had a range rover sport.

diana ain't happy.


apparently they'll wed next year. i'm going to wear white and take james hewitt as my plus one, see how that goes down with the unfortunate looking germans. x

lewd behaviour william? oh ur just like ur mother! all you need to do now is manipulate the press and wear alot of pastel tones.

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