
fight for my right.

i'm literally dying to go out and dance. its 11 mins past midnight, virtually the birth of the evening, and everyone is either too hungover, asleep or broke to go out. ARRGHHHH. my guinea pigs need vitamin c to live and similarly i need the exchange of sexual tension and mild body fluids across a sticky dancefloor.

i can imagine all those smug bastards in my personal mecca, le disco, having the time of their tiny lives whilst i sit in, stuffing peanut m&m's down my chops dying to be in their place. WAAA. all those i usually nudge in such times of need have let me down. fat whores.

went to see the 'winter wonderland' in town. i was not in wonder. the lesbigay police bird said fireworks were cancelled due to wind as was the giant ferris wheel service, the love of my life (for this week) didn't come out, and the weather is literally a wizard of oz tornado sitch. the lights did look cute though, in a victorian fairytale way. at least all the bulbs are white, where i'm from xmas decorations switch on equals jeremy kyle components hashing out their beef in the street, multiple fathered off-spring in tow, illuminated by robotic dr.zeus vomit, which only half works. rudolphs rear end may be galloping across the evening sky but blitzer and fritzl have shattered his front legs.

only plus is i'm rather excited for haye v. harrison fight on sat. 'Quinn, you like boxing?' i hear you cry. erm, two attractive chaps smashing the life out of each other (in a non-gay way), of course i like boxing!

btw, telling me i should have gone out last night helps NO-ONE. NO-ONE. take note, A

I have a 9am lecture, but no intention of sleeping for some time. all this energy...whats a girl to do?! x

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